To learn about the block-by-block curb use needs of 34th Street, the NYC DOT and NYC Transit will host a series of forums to give the building owners and managers, residents and businesses of 34th St a chance to provide information on their individual curb use needs.

AT one of the eight tables representing block-by-block segments of 34th Street the citizens can talk to a staff member, fill out a questionnaire on curb use, and look at maps of that particular block.

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“Block By block Consultations
Thursday, October 21, 2010 and Tuesday, November 9 , 2010 6:00 to 9:00 pm
New Yorker Hotel, Herald Square Room, 481 8th Avenue (at 34th Street)

Those who cannot make a forum are encouraged to fill out a survey at (or starting next week,   direct link to the project page, curb usage online, or contact directly Kate Mikuliak, DOT’s Outreach Coordinator,  at 212-839-6429 or
They can also reach out to Bret Firfer, Manhattan Community Board 4 Representative on the Committee, or post comments on this blog post as CHEKPEDS is represented on the Committee.

It is DOT’s goal to obtain curb usage information from every single building on 34th St during this information gathering period. DOT will reach out to every single building manager on 34th Street to make sure that they are aware of the project and can provide feedback at the community forums or via other means. In addition, starting tomorrow project staff will flier every business and accessible residential building on 34th St, and announce the forums online through DOT’s website and social media.

A summary of the information collected will be presented at the next CAC meeting, and shared with the general public online. DOT will be holding another set of community forums to present and gather feedback on block-by-block solutions to incorporating curb use needs into the proposed Transitway design, and other forms of outreach will continue throughout the project.

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