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20200523_083459Congratulationson getting approved,

Now what?

When does it start ? 
The day after the Mayor’s announcement

When will the barriers be provided? 
Overnight or next morning after the announcement

Who will set up the barriers?
NYPD – your local precinct will set them up for 8  a.m.

Who will move the barriers at the end of the day and return them in the morning? 
NYPD – your local precinct

Who will provide signage for the barriers?

1-    DOT will bring signage the first day and you can request more signs if you need them .
2-    You can also order larger signage[1] visible to drivers

What are the responsibilities of the block association ?
1-    Communicate with residents and businesses : distribute this flyer[2]
2-    Keep an eye on the barrier from time to time and close it if it was left open

What are the best practices for situating the barriers?
1-    Block the entrance so that a car cannot pass , but a bike can pass.
2-    If there is a bike lane on the avenue and a turn lane for vehicles to turn into the open street, install cones on the avenue where the turn lane starts

Useful contacts

DOT : cchattergoon@dot.nyc.gov
NYPD : your precinct
CHEKPEDS: excom@chekpeds.com
Community Board – Your community board
Manahttan Community Board 4 : jpretente@cb.nyc.gov
Council Member: your council member
MCB4: Council Member Corey Johnson: CaWilson@council.nyc.gov

Download/Print this page

[1] https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/HW6TQZR
[2] https://tinyurl.com/openstreetsflyer

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