Neighborhood Slow Zones are a community-based program that reduces the speed limit from 30 mph to 20 mph and adds safety measures within a select area in order to change driver behavior. The goal of the Neighborhood Slow Zone program is to lower the incidence and severity of crashes. Slow Zones also seek to enhance quality of life by reducing cut-through traffic and traffic noise in residential neighborhoods.

DOT creates Slow Zones in response to applications from communities. After each round of applications, DOT selects appropriate locations and works with the community to devise a plan to install the Slow Zone. Slow Zones must be approved by the local Community Board.

Applications are due by May 31st.  Applicants should:

  • pick a location with an area of roughly a quarter square mile (around 5 by 5 blocks)
  • pick a location that is primarily residential. Avoid wide, major streets, industrial sites and major commercial areas within the zone
  • pick an area with strong boundaries, e.g. major streets, highways, large parks or elevated train tracks

Applications must demonstrate local support for the Slow Zone. Applications that include letters of support from key community stakeholders will be prioritized. Examples of key stakeholders include the local Community Board, police precinct, civic councils, community groups, BIDs and local elected officials.

CLICK HERE to see all the details and download the application.


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