For too long, transportation policy has concentrated on building roads that only take into consideration the movement of cars and trucks. There is a growing movement to make our communities livable again, by making sure that everyone can have safe access to our streets.

In the fall of 2010, Brittany Vega, a 14-year-old walking to school on Long Island, was struck and killed by a car while crossing a dangerous road in her hometown. Brittany’s mother has asked to host a petition where you can tell your legislators to support a Complete streets law that will make sure that when roads are built or redesigned, they take into account the needs of everyone who uses them.

Simple changes in road design—such as count-down clocks, better crosswalks, protected bike lanes, and traffic calming devices—can dramatically reduce the number of fatalities on our roads. Complete Streets are safe streets: streets that encourage economic development and assure our seniors can stay in their homes and walk to services, and that our children can make it safely to school. Complete Streets are also environmental streets—providing people with transportation choices that can help to cut down on the congestion and smog that are impacting our health and climate.

Click Here to Sign the Petition

to urge our elected officials to pass State Complete Streets legislation (S1332/A1863) so that our future roads take into account the needs of all users—bicyclists, public transportation vehicles and passengers, motorists, and pedestrians of all ages and abilities.

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