Do you know that New York is allowed only 40 Speed enforcement cameras, around schools and only when the school is in session?  So when kids are out of school at their most vulnerable, there is no enforcement. This is absurd but that is what Albany passed last year. Say you’ll be at the June 9th Rally for #EverySchool.


On May 10, 2016, 150 New Yorkers went to Albany , to push the Every School Speed Safety Camera Bill forward. They had 38 meetings with legislators and convinced 17 to sign on in support of the campaign. Another 19 legislators gave an enthusiastic maybe.

Families for Safe Streets and Transportation Alternatives are planning a huge rally for June 9th. On the steps of City Hall, with hundreds of families, CHEKPEDS will join them to  call for the passage of this bill.

Rally for the Every School Speed Safety Camera Bill
Thursday, June 9, 10:30 a.m.
City Hall

Like everything worthwhile in this world, making our streets safe starts with New Yorkers like you. Say you’ll be there on June 9th. Please invite school principals, teachers and  PTA presidents. Bring your children.


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