Last month, the Department of Transportation consulted the community to prioritize its goals for improving transit service on the 34th Street Corridor. This next meeting is an opportunity for stakeholders to provide feedback on the draft Locally Preferred Alternative (LPA) to be selected through the 34th Street Transit Corridor Alternatives Analysis.

34th Street Transit Corridor Alternatives Analysis Public Meeting

Thursday, January 21, 2010  –  7:00 to 8:00 pm

Hotel Pennsylvania, Madison Room, 18th Floor

401 Seventh Avenue, at 33rd Street

At this meeting, the Project Team will present the draft preferred alternative, while explaining the screening process undertaken. The meeting will be set up both to present information about this alternative and to allow for dialogue and comments from the public about the alternative. The presentation will also highlight the next steps for the project, such as the environmental review process and the next steps in the project design.

Please feel free to contact Kelly Scheer, Community Liaison, at (212) 799-8803 or mail with any questions

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