
Join us and NYC DOT Deputy Commissioner Bruce Schaller who will answer all questions and listen to your suggestions

Community Board 4 Transportation Committee, Holland House, 351 West 42nd Street (across from the board office.)

tonight Wednesday June 20th, 6:30PM

Congestion Pricing: YOU can make it happen!

Please fax Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silverwithin the next 24 hours.

Help us show that New Yorkers strongly support congestion pricing to improve transportation and clean our air!

Time is running out on this legislative session in Albany. The next 24 hours are crucial for winning clean air, money for transit and street space for bikes, pedestrians and buses. Tell Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver not to waste another second.

Congestion pricing is the most controversial portion of PlaNYC, but it is also the best way to fund $30 billion in vital transportation improvements and give New Yorkers much-needed traffic relief. PlaNYC is supported by a diverse coalition of over 130 environmental, public health, labor, civic, business and community-based organizations and millions of New Yorkers. Speaker Christine C. Quinn, Borough President Scott Stringer, Assembly Member Dick Gottfried and State Senator Tom Duane are all in support of the PlaNYC.

The State legislature must take action before the end of this session (which closes on Thursday) or New York City will miss out on a large federal grant to implement congestion pricing .

We need to generate hundreds of faxes in the next 24 hours.

FAX now

Click Here for Details on the Mayor’s Plan

What CHEKPEDS has done so far:

CHEKPEDS joined the Coalition for NYC future to lobby Albany for congestion pricing. Met with Assembly Member Brodsky.

Congestion pricing is not a “tax on the middle class” . MTA statistics show that car drivers earn 21% more on average that bus riders.

Click Here for the full Story

CHEKPEDS sent 125 petitions in favor of Congestion pricing to City Council Speaker Quinn, New York State Assembly Speaker Silver, Assembly Members Brodsky and Gantt

Thank you to the 44th Street Block Association for hosting this event

Click Here for the full text

Last Friday , CHEKPEDS members joined the Citiwide Coalition for Traffic Relief to support the Mayor’s Congestion Pricing Plan:

Thank you to the enthusiastic Members and west siders who joined the hearings.

Click Here for Press coverage

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