We are very grateful that Speaker Corey Johnson office helped DOT and the community reach a compromise for the pedestrian features of the 10th Avenue bike lane from 52nd  to 60th Street  to be installed this fall. At the last Transportation Committee of CB4 , DOT indicated that

  • the signals will  be adjusted to enforce  the 25mph speed limit day or night.
  • 2 to 4 concrete pedestrian refuges will be built in 2019
  • a study of intersections will be completed by this winter to determine where a split phase or split LPI signal will be installed.
  • DOT will get back to us in 2019 with a final date to extend the bike lane all the way to 14th Street.

These are extremely good news for bicyclists and pedestrians alike. 10th avenue is s speedway and the bike lane will be installed amidst three schools and a hospital . the utmost safety features are warranted where a cyclists was killed two years ago.

This is good example of how the community and DOT can work together by engaging in a constructive discussion that takes in account all constraints and wishes.



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