The City just published its Planyc 2023, which outlines its strategies to achieve sustainability and protect the environment. As expected going electric is a big part of it, considering the significant incentives doled out by the Federal Administration. During this period of fundamental change to the car industry we must remain vigilant that our hard earned space for pedestrians is not taken over under the guise of environment at all costs.

When it comes to transportation, the plan outlines key priorities :

  • Get polluting trucks off city street
  • Prioritize public transit, walking, and biking first
  • Ensure every New Yorker can access a bike or scooter
  • Help New Yorkers who must drive to drive electric

We are particularly pleased that mass transit, biking and walking are the top priorities. We are also relieved that common sense prevailed in the DOT and the administration when it comes to charging:

  • Ensure every New Yorker is no more than 2.5 miles from an electric vehicle fast-charging hub by 2035 
  • Mandate private parking garages and lots to make electric vehicle charging available by 2030
  • Transition taxis and for-hire vehicles to electric vehicles
  • Electrify school buses by 2035

It appears that charging on the sidewalk is out and the ” gas station” model is in. Over the last two years, we had advocated for such an outcome in two OpEds on January 5th, 2022 , January 6, 2022 and more recently in January 2023

Just recently, Manhattan Community Board 4 penned a letter to DOT to express its support of an electrical infrastructure provided it is generally NOT on the sidewalk , and next week the full board will take up another letter to the Department of Central Administrative Services, which is doing a terrific job in that regard.

Who knows? Our efforts may have paid off.

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1 year ago

Is this a joke? What abt mopeds and motorcycles that are riding on pedestrian sidewalks.
What abt the disabled and elderly who can’t even reside a bike??? Should their lives be in danger because of your e-“bike” push. Do not call mopeds “scooters”
These vehicles go up to 40 mls an hour!!

5 months ago

I appreciate many of the changes that Chekpeds and TA have brought about but for the life of me I can’t understand why vehicles like motorized bikes, scooters, etc. are now being allowed on bike paths and bike lanes. These motorized vehicles often EXCEED THE SPEED LIMIT FOR CARS ON MANHATTAN STREETS. I don’t feel safe anymore on bike paths or bike lanes. So, whoever’s brilliant idea it was to allow motorized vehicles to just run rampant on bike lanes and bike paths – Thanks for messing up what started out as a good thing.

Christine Berthet
Christine Berthet
Reply to  Sheree
5 months ago

Sheree, fo the record CHEKPEDS was far from enthusiastic on the introduction of electric bikes . AND CB4 correctly predicted the consequences and voted AGAINST IT