We are very pleased to announce that the Canoe plaza (at West 36th street and 9th Avenue) is now complete. This project started in 2009 , during the Western Rail Yards negotiations took a long time to materialize, but it was worth the relentless effort it took to make it happen!
After four year of fruitless legal wrangling between agencies  DOT and Parks decided in 2013, to build  the southern half of the Plaza, by taking over a full lane of parking.

HYHK bid started to manage the plaza in 2015. They added table, chairs and umbrellas  as we ll as a beautiful sculpture by a local artist. They also stationed security personnel.

Finally in 2018, the developer Quadrum was interested in greening the neighborhood and in partnership with the Port Authority and the HYHK BID , completed the north side of the plaza.  HKNA and Design Wilds partnered to make this a success.

We are thrilled with the outcome and extremely grateful to all the individuals and organizations who helped us along the way.

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6 years ago

[…] spaces — the Canoe! — is officially done on the West Side of Manhattan, reports our friend at CHEKPEDS. It took years, but the city finally took away a lane of on-street car storage to give […]

Lisa Sladkus
Lisa Sladkus
6 years ago

Wow! Ten years in the making but what a beautiful outcome! Way to go Christine and all those advocates involved.