Complete Streets Law Passes Legislature Unanimously.  Cuomo Expected To Sign. Pedestrians, Bicyclists and Transit Users Rejoice!
This simple sentence is a revolution: “It shall be the policy of the state to consider people of all ages and abilities and all appropriate forms of transportation when planning roadway projects.

For all of you who have fought over the last 10 years to gain an equal consideration with cars, this is a watershed event .
“A complete street design policy that safely and cost effectively facilitates access and improved mobility for pedestrians, cyclists, mass transportation riders and motorists of all ages and abilities. Such a policy benefits our environment through improved air quality, decreased traffic congestion and the preservation of our natural assets. Our citizens’ benefit, not only from the environmental advantages derived from a complete street policy, but from the health benefits associated with active forms of transportation”.

The law goes on to describe the features that constitute ” Complete Streets”: [including but not limited to}
“Sidewalks, paved shoulders suitable for use by bicyclists, lane striping, bicycle lanes, share the road signage, crosswalks, road diets, pedestrian control, signalization, bus pull outs, curb cuts, raised crosswalks and ramps, and traffic calming measures”. [depending on the context of the road].

This does not apply to road resurfacing but to road reconstruction.
In addition the relevant departments must report in two years time on how they have implemented the law in their different projects .

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13 years ago

[…] Streets legislation, which passed the Assembly earlier this year, has been signed by Governor Cuomo, Chapter 398 of the Laws of […]