Rally to Demand Congestion Pricing NOW
Tuesday, March 20. 6-7:00 p.m.
633 Third Avenue (40/41) , Gov Cuomo NY office

Subways are in a state of emergency. Just last week, an aging cable at the West 96th Street station caused a massive track fire that crippled commutes. Between this dysfunctional subway system, buses that move at walking speeds, and congestion that ranks among the world’s worst, New York City’s transit network has reached its breaking point.

Congestion  pricing revenues could fix the subways, make our streets safer, and end gridlock as we know it. That’s why it’s critical that Governor Cuomo and leaders in Albany make it a part of the state’s budget this year. And with only two weeks left in the budget session, they need to hear from transit advocates like us now more than ever.

Community Board 4, the NYC council speaker and a broad coalition of transportation, environmental, public health, business, tech, real estate, and labor leaders support the proposal, and the governor himself has said that congestion pricing “is an idea whose time has come.”

We’re holding a rally at the governor’s Midtown doorstep next Tuesday: to demand that the governor and Albany finally muster the political will to put the transit-riding public ahead of a handful of wealthy car owners, and pass congestion pricing NOWWe’ll be calling on the governor to stay true to his word. We’re closer than ever to finally making congestion pricing a reality in New York; let’s keep the pressure on him to take us over the finish line.

P.S. Nearly 1,500 people have already signed our petition calling on Albany to pass congestion pricing — if you haven’t added your name yet, tell our elected leaders we need congestion pricing now.

Please forward the invitation and the petition to all your friends. 

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