Join David Yassky, Taxi Limousine Commissioner and Citizens Committee for New York in a flash action to remind Taxi Drivers in our neighborhood that honking is illegal.In October 2011, David Yasski reminded Cab Drivers that honking is illegal . This will serve as a timely reminder.

No Honking Press Conference with David Yassky
Thursday May 3rd , 11- 11:30 a.m.
SW Corner of 44th Street and 10th Avenue ,NY NY

Citizens Committee For New York wrote … “in 2010 we commissioned a study by The New School for Management and Urban Policy to study how community groups

could initiate creative ways to combat vehicular noise in their neighborhoods.  Vehicular noise, especially from horn honking, is a very relevant issue to New York City residents, who consistently rank this noise as a greater quality of life issue than other types of neighborhood noise.  Our  study found that community-based vehicular noise-reduction efforts could play a significant role in reducing or eliminating annoying car noise.

We will serve coffee , give stickers and hopefully make some headway.

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12 years ago

We’re hoping that traffic agents at 42nd St intersection can reduce their whistle blowing. A supervisor has said that generally they are trained to use the whistle only in emergencies, and to rely on hand and body signals. We’ve seen that the best agents are able to get through their whole shifts without blowing the whistles, which are distracting to residents of surrounding high rise buildings. Some agents with the whistle habit blow them all the time, even in light traffic.

We have spoken with Captain Nunez and with Traffic Manager Garcia about this, following our 311 complaint in January. There has been some improvement, but with apartment windows and balconies open, there is still a need for more cooperation. The sound of traffic itself becomes white noise, but the unnecessary blasts of the whistle punctuate this dull din, causing alarm.

Also, in the picture above, please note that cars often stop right on the pedestrian crosswalk, forcing pedestrians to walk into traffic. This is highly dangerous and must be addressed. Traffic agents seem to ignore these transgressions, and apparently the police do nothing either…yet walkers are continuously abused. Add to this, the fumes and pollutants we’re forced to breathe. Where will it end?