Port Authority Board meeting
Thursday, July 20th, 2017, 11:00 a.m. to 2 p.m.
4 World Trade Center

(more information to follow )

At the last Hell’s Kitchen South Coalition’s meeting various speakers explained the impact of cars exhaust buses and idling on our health. A representative of the NYC Health Department was at hand to respond to various questions. Read the presentation HERE .


The Port Authority has since sent a copy of this Carrier Bulletin – Engine Idling 6-2-17 to Community Board 4. This is well and good but after years of  asking the PA to address the issue of idling, it strikes us as an expedient response, way too little and too late.

It is critical to let the Port Authority know that any plan  and its Environmental Impact Study will need to address the deplorable condition of our air quality (CD4 has the third worse Air Quality in the city which is itself below the Federal EPA standard for Quality).

The last thing we need is hundred more buses idling in our neighborhood.

Please join us to express our concerns.

Chelsea Now article on the Coalition Meeting
City Journal article on New York’s terminal blues encourages the Port Authority to build in Secaucus and extend the # 7 train.

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