In recent months , NYPD’s Precinct Manhattan North heard a lot about residents frustration with barricades and “combat parking” . Since last summer, such a set up gave the impression that the block was an “occupied zone” . The residents complained to Manhattan Community Board 4 who wrote a letter in October. As a result of their complaints, CB4 consulted with Chair of the precinct community council and met with NYPD staff to discuss options. The commanding officer removed cars parked in a turning lane , and converted to parallel parking in front of the Community Court where the sidewalk congestion was extreme. The barricades were re-deployed along the curb to prevent perpendicular parking, converting them from a menacing nuisance to a useful tool to protect pedestrians. We expect that additional features will be installed once the weather improves to corral the balance of the cars.

Twitter sphere was alight with happy messages (over 150 ) on this progress. This is a good illustration of how to use Community board and Community precinct to engage in constructive exchanges. It shows that there are NYPD officers who get it. We are lucky to have a CO who shows understanding and knows the value of respect.

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Kathleen McGee Treat
Kathleen McGee Treat
4 years ago

The most striking photo from this Community vs NYPD battle was of two local children trying to maneuver a sidewalk blocked by NYPD cars. This is an important win for
‘”The people who live here”. If NYC wants to retain/welcome back its citizens it must listen to its electorate.