75% of our community members are concerned for their safety because of traffic , while only 6% are concerned about crime! and they are right . Over the last three years some intersections have become two or three times more dangerous: three pedestrians died on 9th Avenue in the first 6 months of 2007, a child was killed on 15th street and 12th Avenue and at least three people ( that we know of ) were severely injured.

Chekpeds has pursued this matter relentlessly with the help of CB4 and Transportation Alternatives and our elected and we are please to report some singificant successes:
– In July 2007, after 10 years of asking , Holy Cross children got their traffic light and pedestrian crossing
– In August 2007, a pedestrian safety study for Penn South was initiated by DOT

All of this took much work but it is SO worth it !

– in 2006 CHEKPEDS and StreetFilms had documented the plight of Sister Mary Teresa Dixon , Holy Cross Principal and Chief Traffic Officer Watch the Movie
– In January 2007, CB4 requested that the Safe route to School recommendations for Holy Cross School include the relocation of Charter Buses and more time to cross the streets and avenues. Read the Letter
– In February 2007, CHEKPEDS testified at a meeting of Council Speaker Quinn with the police Reade the testimony
– In February 2007, CB4 requested a DOT study of the Penn South segemnt of 9th Avenue that experienced one of the death and that is home to a very large senior population. Read the letter
– In March 2007, CHEKPEDS participated in a City Hall rally and press conference to obtain city focus on these tragedies See photos and reports
– In March 2007, CB4 requested that our elected form a task force to coordinate the actions of all agencies involved in tackling this complex matter on the West side. Read the letter
– In April 2007, CHEKPEDS testified at a Council Hearing initiated by Transporation Chair John LiuCity council pedsafety testimony Read the full testimony
– In April 2007, CHEKPEDS gave its comments to a pedestrian safety report to be published by NYMTC, the Council of Metropolitan Planning Orgainizaiton in the region
Read the Comments

Their is hope folks !

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