Who: ReThinkPennStationNYC – What : Through Running TownHall -When: October 25, 6pm

An expert panel will explain through-running and its importance in any plan to update Penn Station.
Put Transit first at Penn Station: Through running, the modern, more equitable and less expensive solution

Sam Turvey, Chairperson, ReThinkNYC, Moderator
Dr. Robert Paaswell, Distinguished Professor of Civil Engineering, City University of New York, Former Head of Chicago Transit Authority: Our urgent need to invest in commuter rail infrastructure, including hi-speed rail and through-running, in order to remain competitive with our domestic and international peer cities 

Felicia Park-Rogers, Director of Infrastructure Projects, Tri- State Transportation Campaign: The need to unify our region’s commuter rail and the societal impact on the region

Alon Levy, Pedestrian Observations.Com, Fellow, New York University Marron Institute of Urban Management :Through running alternatives at Penn Station within the envelope of Penn/Moynihan and the defective ESD/WSP/FX Collaborative Report

Karim Ahmed, Architect, Senior, Advisor to ReThinkNYC:The $8 billion cost differential between the Hochul plan and the cost effectiveness and non-demolition aspects of the ReThinkNYC  proposal. 

Christine Berthet, Community Board 4, Co-Chair, Transportation Committee:The Community Board requests a fair and independent review of through-running and requests it be an alternative considered when NEPA process is commenced. 

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