Another long distance company is requesting a stop on 42nd street , in the bus lane , at the bus stop on the South East corner of 42nd and 9th. there are already two stops  for airport buses , one stop for a local tour bus and illegally parked post office trucks.

One wonders why MTA buses are slow.

Please join us and speak up on this matter.

Manhattan Community Baord 4 – Transportation committee
Wednesday , January 17, 6:30 p.m.
Cameo Studo B , 307 West 43rd Street (8/9)

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Joe O'Neill
Joe O'Neill
7 years ago

No thanks. The number of buses currently operating in this neighborhood well exceeds any normal limits. A new bus stop would clearly aggravate this problem, which is not about traffic so much as it is about air pollution that produces terrible health risks for local residents and workers.

diana lawrence
diana lawrence
7 years ago

I have lived in Hells Kitchen for over 30 years and am increasingly annoyed by the non-MTA buses using the city bus stops (this is true on 8th Ave as well). Why are the MTA buses not given priority, they are the lifeblood of our daily city life. We deserve as much consideration as corporate entities and tourists. The non-MTA buses clog the bus stops and obstruct the street view… if their corporate parents are not paying the city a LARGE sum for this use of civic space they should be. Our city government should focus on managing city space and resources for the RESIDENTS OF THE CITY not involved in entrepreneurial activities for the profit of corporattions.