What if your tax dollars were used to build roads just for cars? Well that is the case today!  Too often, streets have been designed just to speed traffic through our villages, towns, and cities. That makes them difficult and dangerous to navigate on foot, in a wheelchair, or on a bicycle — especially for senior citizens and young people. Too many have been injured or killed by dangerous roads, including 14-year-old Brittany Vega, who died last year after being struck by a car while walking to school.

Complete Streets design principles assure that when roads are built or redesigned, they take into account the needs of everyone who uses them. Right now, a bipartisan bill to require governments to include these principles in road design and construction is moving through the State Senate. But progress has been slower in the State Assembly.

Brittany’s mother Sandi has written to Governor Cuomo asking that he support Complete Streets and help move it through the legislature. Leadership from him and individual assemblymembers can move this bill and prevent needless deaths and injuries. Tell your representatives to stand up for safer streets!


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