The bike lanes installation on 9th Avenue which was delayed due to paperwork issues in Albany has now re- started with the building of pedestrian refuges. On 8th Avenue, between 42nd and 43rd Streets, extending the sidewalk  was also delayed due to a lack of a partner organization to maintain the new sidewalk. Chekpeds stepped in and we are confident we will have partners soon. Signals changes usually lag by a few weeks.

Meanwhile the DOT is getting serious on training delivery bicyclists and business owners training. On Thursday , September 27th from 3 to 4 p.m. at Holland House the DOT conducted a training session in multiple languages for businesses in our Community. The Community Board actively distributed the invitation to all businesses.

The city council is also paying attention: in early September, the City Council Transporation Committee held hearings on a number of bills:

Proposed Int. No. 683-A – In relation to the apparel used by operators of bicycles used for commercial purposes.
Int. No. 783 – In relation to requiring commercial bicyclists to complete bicycle safety courses.
Proposed Int. No. 896-A – In relation to the enforcement of commercial bicycle provisions. To allow the Department of Transportation and others to enforce certain portions of the commercial bicycle laws (equipment and posting inside the stores). The NYPD would continue to enforce in the street.
Proposed Int. No. 910-A – In relation to the use of bicycles for commercial purposes.

CHEKPEDS testified in favor of most of the bills, but proposed a few modifications. Read  It Here 

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11 years ago

[…] and trained a number of business owners on the avenue. Thanks to Council Member Gale Brewer, the City council passed a law that lets DOT writes tickets to business owners if they do not make the proper equipment available […]