Don’t miss your chance to voice your opinion on the proposed changes to the City’s waterfront! New York City Department of City Planning (DCP) will host its next public meeting on Vision 2020: The New York City Comprehensive Waterfront Plan. After six months of discussions with community and waterfront stakeholders, DCP will present the goals and draft recommendations for its Vision 2020 plan.

The Plan’s draft recommendations are currently available for review and comment here. Please note that because of the document’s size, there will not be copies available at the public meeting. Comments can also be submitted via email.  The deadline for public comments on the draft recommendations is 5 p.m. on Friday, November 12th, 2010.

The final plan is expected to be issued by the end of this year. more details on the plan and the extensive public process thus far.

DCP Vision 2020: The New York City Comprehensive Waterfront Plan
Tuesday, October 12, 2010 – 6:00 pm
Rosenthal Pavilion of the NYU Kimmel Center for University Life, 60 Washington Square South, 10th Floor,

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