If you are still celebrating our win over the Megabus stop, stop dancing right now and RUSH to you PHONES !  The problem is far form over: DOT must now choose a new location for the stop and Megabus is still in a position of strength because we lack legislation A4578A/S4313-B to veto unsuitable stops. Further, one of our neighbor just alerted me to the fact that J&J, a discount bus company serving Philadelphia  has set up shop in front of Manhattan Plaza, in the MTA SBS bus stop !

Such a legislation has been agreed to in principle between the DOT , the senate (R) andthe Assembly (D) on April 25th but it still bogged down in  the Assembly transportation committee. It needs to be referred to the floor and then to the Rules committee. There is still a chance for this bus permit bill to pass during this session, before June 21st but the clock is ticking!


REACH OUT BY PHONE to the sponsor, the Assembly transportation chair and to Richard Gottfried , our champion on this issue 

  • Senator Golden : ( Diego Perez ) 518 455 2730
  • Assemblyman Gantt 518-455-5606
  • Richard Gottfried 518-455-4941

Tell them how much the buses degrade business and residents life if in the wrong location: loss of business, constant noise, fumes from idling, blocking the sidewalk with hundreds of passengers, passengers urinating in backyards and entryways, blocking the traffic with buses double parking, blocking the bus lanes for bus riders.

Tell them we do not need a perfect bill, but we must have the right to veto any stop as soon as possible, in order to stop buses from choosing locations the most convenient to their business while completely disregarding the residents and businesses.

This is important – This is urgent


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