Clara Heyworth was killed at the hands of a driver who may have been drunk, may havebeen speeding, and definitely did not have a driver’s license. We’ll never know for sure, however, because the NYPD botched the investigation into the crash. And it is not and exception but rather standard operating procedure for the NYPD. Vehicles crash on city streets approximately 215 times a day. The NYPD investigates less-than-half of one percent of those crashes. In every other case, evidence of possible criminal conduct is ignored. Clara’s death in July 2011 is a tragedy. The police department’s handling of the case is an injustice.

Please join us in a rally on the steps of City Hall next Monday to raise awareness of the failure of the City’s traffic crash investigation policy.

Rallye for Traffic Justice
Monday June11th , 9:00 a.m.
City Hall Steps

The botched investigation of Clara Heyworth’s death let a deadly driver back on the road. The police failed to visit the scene of the crime for three days. By that time, any evidence that could have convicted the driver — skid marks, debris, surveillance videos — was all long gone. The worst part is that Clara’s tragedy isn’t an isolated incident — it’s standard operating procedure for the NYPD. Vehicles crash on city streets approximately 215 times a day. The NYPD investigates less-than-half of one percent of those crashes. In every other case, evidence of possible criminal conduct is ignored.  More on this story.

The more of you who join us on the steps of City Hall to call on the City and NYPD to thoroughly and professionally investigate these crimes, the stronger our message will be.

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