After many years of activism another milestone is in sight with DOT’s proposal to create 47 additional curbside Tour Bus parking spaces. This will increase by 27 % the number of buses parking spaces in midtown.

In January, the Mayor’s Midtown Citizen Committee (MMCC) issued a report showing that, there is a  chronic under capacity in bus parking, in midtown during seven months of the year. Many of the hundred companies that participated in the survey indicated that their busses consistenly idle or circle endlessly in midtown to avoid summonses, a sight and a smell familiar to Chelsea and Hell’s Kitchen residents.  CB4 has the third highest asthma hospitalization in Manhattan .

The report identified 77 locations that would be suitable for bus parking , because they were sufficiently removed from residences and still close enough to midtown. DOT validated that 47 of those locations meet their stringent ciriteria.  Click here to see the proposed locations.

On Wednesday , August 24th  DOT will ask CB4 Transportation Committee to vet these locations before installing them in the next six months. Once approved and installed MMCC will communicate new locations and preferred routes ( away form residential streets) to the bus companies . Next year, parking meters will be installed for all bus parking spaces.

Join us to support Cleaner Air and less congestion in the neighborhood :
CB4 Transportation Committee
Wednesday, August 24th, 6:30 p.m.
Holland House, 351 W 42nd Street, Piano Room

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