Early this year the City Council passed the Save lives through Information bill which requires the NYPD to publish monthly summonses and crashes by Precinct. May 2011 is the first month when the summonses are published and here is the first peek at the numbers. We encourage you to use these numbers to prod your Precinct into focusing on our safety.

Citywide: 140,000 sounds like a lot but once divided by day and precincts it amounts to  50 tickets day per precinct. The precincts issue summonses  to improve all safety equally (at least if we consider that 50/50 is equal which it probably isn’t) , however the Transportation Bureau , which accounts for 40% of all tickets concentrate much more on summonses that improve vehicular safety. Only 20% of their tickets improve safety for Pedestrians and bikes.  Because their numbers are not broken down by precincts we do not yet know where the Bureau Personnel is  deployed and whether this is a factor. We sent a letter to that effect to elected officials (See below  for break down of our non scientific classification)

In Community Board 4:

We like the Midtown South numbers a lot on ” Refusal to Yield to Pedestrians ”  while “Fail  to “Stop at Signal” and “Spillback” numbers seem anemic compared to what we observe on 9th Avenue ..Again Transportation Bureau numbers are not allocated …Safety Belt is strictly enforced although  at an average speed of 3 miles per hour on 9th Avenue, this seems barely relevant to our safety.

You can see all the reports here in PDF or Download them here, and check the crash data there.


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