Members of the coalition and Marissa Redanty , chair of the Manhattan Plaza Tenants Association met with Margaret Forgione, Manhattan Borough Commisssioner, New York city Department of Transportation and her key staffs members. Also present were officials from the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey and representatives of the NYPD traffic task force.
Such a meeting had been sought by the coalition since the Rally in October 2005, and it took that long for the DOT to respoond .
All issues identified in the neighborhood and on which CB4 had adrressed correspondance to the DOT were reviewed , changed Lincoln tunnel accesses, 37th street an 9th Avenue, pedestrian barrier at Lincoln Tunnel Ramp C , the increase in pedestrians injuries, the Holy Cross speed bump, the gridlock and chaos at 42nd street and 9th avenue, the risks at 41st and 9th avneue , the study of a one way 11th avenue.

The Result: the agencies have an increased awareness of the overall issues and committed to meet again in two months.

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