Do you feel unsafe crossing the street?
You should be! in the last two years 11 intersections of 9th avenue have become two or three times more dangerous for pedestrians. Holy Cross School is the most dangerous school to walk to in Manhattan.
This all started when the Port Authority close some entrances to the Lincoln Tunnel and push more cars onto 9th Avenue and removed our pedestrian crossings to make 9th Avenue a Highway.

Indeed this neighborhood suffers 70% more death from chronic lung diseases than the Upper East side. EMS vehicles and fire trucks cannot go through. Not only does it slows down their response time and lives are lost , but their honking combined with the ones from cars , cabs and trucks is unsufferable.

Our members decide to reclaim Ninth Avenue
For the last two years the adminsitration has ignored our pleas and the solutions we have proposed. We will not accept that 9th avenue, our main street, becomes a New Jersey highway. Our caolition was formed to bring the city to do its basic job to provide safe streets for children and pedestrians in our neighborhood.

YES ! you can make a difference
1- Sign and fax the petition directly from here ( below)
2- Get your friends to sign the petition
3- Send a fax (below) to the mayor every time you have a complaint about trafic related incidents (gridlock, cars blocking pedestrian crossing, no enforcemnt, EMS vehicle stuck, etc..)
4- Repeat everyday until we win
4- Join us to get invited to upcoming meetings with the elected officials to voice your complaints. (Below)

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