For Chekpeds, whose tag line is ” Less Traffic, Better Streets”, the implementation of Congestion pricing is a life defining event. And the early observations do vindicate our long term strategy. This success is the result of hundreds of advocates, brilliant minds, and many activist organizations who went all out with their members to make it happen. At our small scale, we were happy to help in any way.
We started to work in 2007 on Mayor Bloomberg’s campaign to pass congestion pricing into law. We continued all along to help in our humble ways when the renewed efforts took shape in 2019. We published a guide of benefits for drivers which we sent to all members of the Senate and Assembly, and more recently two members of CHEKPEDS became co-plaintiffs in the lawsuit against Governor Hochul for “pausing” the implementation.
What is most rewarding is to see that the early observations are in line with our expectations and drivers are taking note. A gentlemen interviewed said that it usually took him 2 hours to come from New Jersey, and now it takes one hour ! I heard a person who takes the MTA bus express to come from Staten Island to midtown marveling that his commute is 20% faster and there are more frequent buses. And there is no mistaking the much lighter traffic around the Lincoln Tunnel and calmer environment without gridlock honking. And this reaction is not to be missed
In other countries the sentiment after implementation had also turned positive. Drivers do like saving time and not being stuck in traffic. We will see if the trend solidifies after the cold spell and the slow month of January. But there is no question that ” Less Traffic = Better Street” .
Riders Alliance put together more reactions
- In first days of congestion pricing, New Yorkers see signs of reduced gridlock
- New Yorkers have little data but big feelings about congestion pricing
- Bus times to NY improve, traffic at tunnels drops as congestion pricing kicks in
- MTA Drivers: Slowest Bus in Manhattan Is Faster Since Congestion Pricing