Sunday 3 p.m. at City Hall

75% of our community members are concerned for their safety because of traffic , while only 6% are concerned about crime!
Just two weeks ago, another pedestrian was killed by a truck trurning from 9th Avenue onto 16th Street. On Friday morning a 55 year old lady with a walker was killed by a bus turning west from 9th Avenue on 45th street and Sunday night a young woman was ciritically injured by a truck turning into the Lincoln Tunnel lanes from 37th street at 9th Avenue. In all cases the pedestrians were in the crossing, had the light, and the drivers walked away with summons.

What we are asking :
Massive crackdown on traffic rules violations , changes to turning rules, redesign on 20 most dangerous corridors. Legislation for a pedestrian bill of rights and stiffer penalties for traffic violations

You can help:
Join us, spread the word and , if you know anyone who has been injured or families of persons who were killed by cars , please reach out to them and ask them to join. They can contact Transportation Alternatives at 646 873 6020.

See you Sunday , 3 pm , at City Hall

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