Save the date: Tuesday, June 27, 2006.

$50 Million in federal funds will soon be allocated to traffic studies in New York , these hearings will determine who GETS IT
We want our fair share of that 50 million!!!

Join us to request the federal government fund a comprehensive study of Lincoln Tunnel entrances focusing on PEDESTRIAN SAFETY, EMS and evacuation routes, with the community and all the agencies involved.

Such a study had long been requested by Community Board 4 and been supported by Transportation Alternatives

$$ for Traffic Relief

Tuesday, June 27th at 3:00 p.m. or at 6:30 p.m.

NYMTC (New York Metropolitan Transportation Council)

199 Water Street, 22nd floor

Take the A or C to Bway/Nassau stop, walk east to Water Street
or Take 2,3,4,5 to Fulton stop and walk east to Water Street

EMS vehicles are trapped: all intersections are constantly gridlocked.
There is no enforcment : after 3 years of asking we have JUST GOTTEN 1 agent, 3 hours a day, when we need 10 !
Our children cannot walk to school safely : Holy Cross is the most dangerous school to walk to in Manhattan. Why hasn’t it been studied for solutions?
9th avenue is increasingly dangerous for pedestrians : 500 people have been injured on 9th avenue in 5 years. 11 intersections have become more dangerous and some have doubled or tripled accidents over the last two years.
We cannot breathe: our neighborhood suffers 25 % more deaths from chronic lung diseases than the Manhattan average, but more and more diesel buses are travelling through our residential streets. WHY?
Trucks overwhelm us : the Lincoln Tunnel carries most of the truck traffic : 9th Avenue has the second highest rate of truck accidents per mile in Manhattan , but has not been studied. WHY?

Come and be counted – speak up – at the meetings

Save the date! We hope to see you on June 27 at NYMTC!

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