Renovating the existing Penn Station, adding eight new tracks, razing a city block, doubling the surrounding density and keeping Madison Square Garden untouched, while creating a cohesive district with lots of space to walk, views of the Empire State building and no shadows on neighbors will be a tour de force.

A Community Advisory Working Group has been scrutinizing the State’s plans over the last 12 weeks and now it is up to the public to review what is in store. The working group will include the input from the larger community to finalize its recommendations. Don’t miss it .

Virtual Town Hall – Empire Station Complex

Thursday July 15th @ 6 pm.

Empire State Development will discuss the proposed Empire Station Complex project . Register and submit questions for the virtual meeting here: 

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Lawrence Wheatman
Lawrence Wheatman
3 years ago

There are many of us living on the blocks that will be raised who are senior citizens, long time rent stabilized tenants, all who have served the city well for many decades as teachers, volunteers, Citi beautifiers, etc. What is planned for us?

Team Chekpeds
Team Chekpeds
Reply to  Lawrence Wheatman
3 years ago

Connect to the tenants meeting to learn about it . you should have received a flyer.

T. Lawrence Wheatman
T. Lawrence Wheatman
3 years ago

What is going to happen to senior citizen residential stabilized tenants like myself who have lived here on the block that would be razed for decades, and have served our city and community well (as teachers, volunteers, for that full-time.

Tom Cayler
Tom Cayler
3 years ago

Through Running is the only sensible solution.