Buses Legislation in Albany:

Tomorrow can be the beginning of a new era for all of us who live in bus saturated areas. The bills authorizing NYC DOT to grant permits for long distance bus stops and veto all other locations,  come to a full floor vote and need to be signed by Governor Cuomo. Please get to your phones and call both : Sheldon Silver  at 518 455-3791 and Governor Cuomo at 518 474-8390 ….

It is in your hands, we can do it!  

A few important items on the CB4 Transporation Committee tonight

First the location has changed back to the usual Holland House, 351 West 42nd Street, Piano Room at 6:30 p.m.

Parking is rearing its ugly head again with a presentation from the Department of City Planning who wants to convert residential parkings in public parking with all the traffic that comes with it. Also Edison parking wants to reopen the 43rd street parking entrance across of the Holy Cross school, reversing a big victory for  chidden safety we won tow years ago.

34th Street Select Bus service delivery space and bus stop placement will be discussed one more time to finalize the bus placement of the bus stop at Dyer Avenue .

As bike lanes get installed a few adjustments are being asked  on 55th , 57th and 58th streets and seniors are clamoring for safer crossings.

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