In spite of the general kudos, the number of traffic injuries has increased by 11,000 in 2010 over the preceding years in the US . Our region is no exception.  As Mike Bloomberg says, strict enforcement goes a long way to deter bad behavior. But when it comes to vehicular laws, NYPD has demonstrated again and again that drivers are above the law: the police will not pursue the legal charges when a pedestrian is injured or killed.

Now Peter Vallone, Chair of the City Council Safety Committee, is holding a hearing to understand how the NYPD is enforcing the traffic laws. This is our chance to talk about the frustrating facts of No Gridlock enforcement, No Idling enforcement, traffic agents waving cars into pedestrians and the revolting fact that any driver can kill a pedestrian and go on without even a ticket.. If you’d like to testify please  send an e-mail to Martinez before the 13th.

CHEKPEDS has worked long and hard on this issue. Martin Treat has been its champion all along. Let’s make the most of this opportunity.

Oversight Hearing : Proceeding with Caution – An Examination of NYPD’s accident response and enforcement of traffic rules relating to cars, bikes, and trucks.
Wednesday February 15th, 10:00 a.m.
14th Floor Committee Room, 250 Broadway, New York, NY

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13 years ago

[…] analysis of NYPD and DOT data by the Clinton Hell’s Kitchen Coalition for Pedestrian Safety (CHEKPEDS), 1,251 pedestrians were injured or killed in December 2011, and NYPD reports show that 89 percent […]