On Sunday, a man driving DOUBLE the speed limit struck and instantly killed two expectant parents, Raizel and Nachman Glauber. Their child, delivered by emergency cesarean section, died the next day. The Williamsburg police precinct that’s supposed to protect that neighborhood wrote ZERO summonses for speeding in December and January.*

For the driver who killed the Glauber family, there was no reason not to drive at a dangerous speed. According to the NYPD’s own data, local precincts do not regularly write summonses for speeding — and New York City has no automated system for enforcing the speed limit.

New York City needs consistent, predictable enforcement. A typical NYPD precinct issues only ten speeding summonses a month. That’s shameful and New York City can do better. In fact, in Washington DC, Chicago and 120 other cities and towns around the country, speed enforcement cameras stop speeding with automated, foolproof efficiency.

It’s too late to prevent the crash that killed the Glauber family — but stand up for speed cameras, and you could stop the next deadly crash before it happens. Join thousands of other New Yorkers in speaking up: Take action to prevent what happened to the Glauber family from happening again.

Will you please ask your legislator to support speed cameras for New York City? Take action now! Sign a letter to your legislator in support of speed cameras.

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