After years of advocacy ( since 2008!) and with the help of MCB4 District Manager Jesse Bodine  and Borough President Brewer and her staff,  DoiTT has finally confirmed in writing which phone booths will be removed and NOT be replaced by a LinkNYC installation. See the complete list HERE .

45th street Double cirme sceneSome of them  do not comply with the new more stringent placement rules: a good example is the phone booth at the NW corner of 45th Street and 9th Avenue that the community has tried of years to get removed, especially after two pedestrians  were killed in the crosswalk.

Others because you had  successfully illustrated all your complaints and the MBP supported our requests.  For those, we have proposed new sites for relocation. The phone booth at 402 West 44th Street is a perfect illustration and will be removed.

There is still a small contingent of installations for which we have requested relocation , but could not get confirmation since they belong to an operator who is suing the city. The lawsuit’s outcome will dictate if and when the installations will be swapped out .  Unfortunately the  phone booth at 125 West 25th Street falls into that category. We will need a bit more patience and follow-up to get resolution.

Unfortunately our requests for removals on 8th Avneue were not honored. DOT took a very long time to respond to the removal requests and the franchisee moved in before a final determination was made.  If they had been removed , some o the most troublesome installations would not be in place today.

The replacement of all the installations is due to be completed in 2019. At this time we do not have a schedule for the swap of the balance of the LinkNYC in our district. We will follow up with Community Board  4 to obtain a schedule of those coming to our neighborhood next year.

Again, none of these locations will receive a LinkNYC. The sidewalk will be refurbished and pedestrians will be once again able to use the space. A victory for our cause.

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