Traffic Calming and Public Places Opportunities

The Clinton Hell’s Kitchen Coalition for Pedestrian Safety (CHEKPEDS) was established by concerned citizens, property owners, businesses, and block associations to reclaim9th Avenue from Lincoln Tunnel traffic. The “9th Avenue Renaissance”project will result in a shared vision in street design and traffic calming measures to turn 9th Avenue into a vibrant Main Street: pedestrian and shopper-friendly, traffic efficient and above all, safe for all.

The Coalition and its consultants, PPS (Project for Public Spaces), seek input from local residents, institutions, and community groups. We want your ideas on how to improve the traffic and pedestrian experience – to create a healthier environment for everyone on 9th Avenue . Please join us

Monday, January 8, 2007

7 to 8:30 PM

Holy Cross School,

332 West 43rd Street

b/w Eight and Ninth avenues

Co Sponsored by:

Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer
State Senator Thomas K. Duane
US Congressman Jerrold Nadler
NYC Council Speaker Christine C. Quinn
State Assembly Member Richard Gottfried
Community Board 4, Manhattan

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