In the past week, more than 1,300 New Yorkers have written letters to Police Commissioner Ray Kelly, demanding he police New York City traffic. To ensure our call to action — for a police department that stands up to dangerous drivers — is heard loud and clear at One Police Plaza, Transportation Alternatives is hosting a rally.

Please join Public Advocate Bill de Blasio and the families of traffic crash victims for a Rally for Traffic Justice. On November 30th, at 8:30 in the morning, we will deliver more than 1,300 letters to Commissioner Kelly, and insist he heed our call for traffic justice. If you show up, our collective voice is that much more powerful.

Rally for Traffic Justice
Wednesday, November 30, 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 am
One Police Plaza,

Please RSVP – Can’t attend? Make your voice heard virtually by joining our Roll Call.

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