Join Us at the Transportation Committee, to hear DOT’s plans to extend the 8th Avenue bike lane from 56th Street around Columbus circle  and the Amsterdam Avenue bike lane down to 52nd Street.

DOT will present their approach to make 57th Street and 8th Avenue safer for pedestrians and bicyclists.  We are so grateful to Assembly Member Linda Rosenthal and the wonderful Erica Overton for their relentless efforts and support over the last 4 years to obtain this change.

Manhattan Community Board 4 – Transportation Committee
Wednesday, June 20th, 6:30 p.m.
305 West 44th Street (8/9)


A bike lane will be installed later this year on 11th Avenue , when the avenue direction will be changed from two ways to one way southbound, between 42nd and 57th Streets.

CB4 had previously requested that a bike lane be installed on 10th Avenue  starting with implementation from 34th . CB4 has also requested the installation of cross town bike lanes at 37th and 38th Streets .

Our next challenge is the stretch in front of the Port Authority which is so dangerous for bicyclists and pedestrians alike. 


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6 years ago

More bike lanes are welcome, but making a 2-way avenue 1-way is going the wrong direction! We need more 2-way streets, the lack of which is a significant hindrance to cycling (and a reason for so-called “salmoning”).

Team Chekpeds
Team Chekpeds
Reply to  AMH
6 years ago

agreed that all bikes lanes should be two way.