Transportation Alternatives released a report on April 27, 2011 detailing the citywide epidemic of parking permit abuse. The report, entitled “Totally Bogus: A Study of Parking Permit Abuse in NYC,” highlights the ongoing usage of fraudulent parking permits in New York City. The report’s findings support the results of a recent probe by the State Inspector General which showed widespread parking permit abuse by public officials in New York.

• 57 percent of the permits in the survey were either legal permits used illegally or illegitimate permits.
• One in four permits surveyed was a fake, suggesting that citywide there are at least 10,000-25,000 fraudulent permits. (That’s more fake permits than the 12,000 New York City yellow cabs).

Council Member Garodnick,  introduced the Authentic Permit Act (Intro. 465) earlier this year to ensure authenticity by mandating the use of barcodes on city permits.

Ask your elected officials to pass the Authentic Permit Act

The Authentic Permit Act is sponsored by Council Members Daniel R. Garodnick, Margaret S. Chin, Gale A. Brewer, Fernando Cabrera , Daniel Dromm , Lewis A. Fidler, David G. Greenfield, Letitia James, Brad S. Lander, Rosie Mendez, Jumaane D. Williams, Helen D. Foster, Ydanis A. Rodriguez, James F. Gennaro, Leroy G. Comrie, Jr., Robert Jackson, James G. Van Bramer, Stephen T. Levin, Michael C. Nelson, and Peter A. Koo.

Ask your elected officials to pass the Authentic Permit Act

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