Last week Transportation Alternatives celebrated its 50th anniversary. I had a chance to ask its founder, David Gurin, how it all came about. He sent me a Village Voice article dated October 5, 1972 inviting anyone interested in planning a demonstration of cyclists like those taking place in Paris and Stockholm at that time. The meeting took place on Monday October 9, at 8:00 p.m. at 339 Lafayette street. And the rest is history.
What is most striking in this article is that the effort was very focused on compliance with the Clean Air Act. Reducing the number of cars in Manhattan was a mean to an end. But the vision of “Streets for People” was already outlined. For our sake, let’s hope that we achieve these goals in the very near future. It should not take another 50 years to get it done. Thank You David Gurin for your foresight and decision to act. We owe you an enormous debt of gratitude!