Following the tragic death of two very young children in the pedestrian crossing with the walk light, at the hands of a driver who had previously accumulated 8 violations,  and had had a seizure, over 900 activists gathered in Brooklyn to demand better street design and better enforcement.

Joshua Lew and Abigail Blumenstein, aged 1 and 4, were killed by a woman who drove her car through a red light in Brooklyn. Five weeks before that, a man drove an oil truck without a license and killed another child in Brooklyn: Kevin Flores, age 13.

One Thousand Attend NYC’s March for Safe Streets from STREETFILMS on Vimeo.

We also learned that there are 25,000 drivers in New York city who have a similar violation history  and are still doing on the streets .

Meanwhile Mayor Di Blasio proposed to add 200 speed cameras in NYC and to make repeated camera detected violation  trigger higher penalties including a license suspension after 5 such infractions. Both measures require a vote in Albany.

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