DOT is widening 8th and 9th Avenues’ sidewalks to accommodate more pedestrians and make the bike lane safer. The change will extend from 31st to 43rd Streets on 8th Avenue and 50th to 58th Streets on 9th Avenue.
9th Avenue below 50th Street and 11th Avenue below 48th Streets are getting a safer design for the bike lanes: on 11th Avenue DOT is converting painted pedestrian refuges to concrete; on 9th Avenue, DOT is converting mixing zones to “offset crossings”, a design which significantly slows down cars while they turn. We had asked for such changes for many years.
The 9th Avenue installation started a bit bumpy when the contractor twice used the wrong blueprint. Our hyper vigilant friend Jehiah alerted us and the DOT in time for a switch. On 11th Avenue, our Council Member Erik Bottcher requested an audit of underground utilities to see if trees could be planted on the refuges. Unfortunately we learned that trees roots would interfere with two gas lines located right below the refuges. Thank You CouncilMember Bottcher for your support!
Fortunately, the 11th Avenue median refuges between 39th and 42nd Street are free of utilities and will receive trees very soon.
The DOT will start testing new techniques to keep vehicles out of bike lanes and better protect cyclists. Not a minute too soon! the bike lanes continue to be encroached upon, and the enforcement is inexistent, putting lives at risk.
Albany voted to increase the time Speed cameras are on to 24 hours a day,(instead of 10 hours currently). This is great news for everyone who lives and walks within 3/4 of a mile from a school. Speeding in the evenings and nights is a major contributor to increased numbers of fatalities . Bravo to Families for Safe Streets and Transportation Alternatives for their years fighting to achieve this common sense measure. Read the report
To see the complete list of legislations that passed (or not) check this exhaustive Strestsblog Report