This year, AGAIN,  a Hell’s Kitchen vital link for our seniors and for the whole western developments wins the Pokey award, with a tie between the M66 and M42 crosstown buses both clocking in at 3.9 mph. In a statement, Gene Russianoff of the Straphangers Campaign said these buses “would lose a race to an amusement park bumper car,” which can hit top speeds of 4.3 mph. Last year the M50 won the pokey award .

There is a bright spot: Select Bus Service has been living up to its promises — with the 34th Street  to get the speedier service in 2013. In the survey,  on First and Second Avenues in Manhattan, M15 Select buses moved along at 7.8 mph — 50 percent faster than the M15 local, which lumbered at 5.2 mph.

When will we get Select Bus Service on all crosstown buses?

Read more details here

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