The Project Advisory Committee for the Clinton/Hell’s Kitchen Transportation Study has recommended that certain bike routes planned for the southern part of the study be changed as they were located on streets we deemed not safe for such road sharing (most of them were located on Lincoln Tunnel access routes) .
Recommended streets would be
  • 29th Street (East of 9th AVenue)
  • 37th/38th Streets
  • 43rd/44th/45th Streets
The balance of cross streets identified in the bike master plan for our neighborhood are 48th/ 51st Streets and 54/55th streets, (8th to 12th  Avenues , and continuing to the east) .
DOT is asking whether there is any major reason to not locate a bike lane on those streets.
Besides providing for a safer path for bicyclists, whitout reducing parking on the side streets here are other advantages to bike lanes:
  • The width of the street is reduced. This induces cars to slow down and dissuades buses and truck to use the street
  • It reduces the amount of biking on sidewalk
  • Cars have to make a wider  turn at the intersection, which slows them down. – safer for pedestrian crossing .
  • NYC DOT explains Bike Lanes in the Big Apple from Streetfilms on Vimeo.

Indeed  all the other streets can still be used by bicyclists.
51st Street block association has already confirmed that they are happy to have a bike lane.
Speak Up , we want to hear from you…
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Eric muise
Eric muise
14 years ago

Great plan!
Biking in HK is extremely dangerous with the overload of tunnel traffic (as well as walking…). Having more bike lanes is essential! What is urgently needed are the 8th and 9th ave protected bike lanes that currently run south of 34th street to be extended north to 59th St/central park!!!! The 40s and 50s are especially dangerous for cyclists in thus neighborhood.

Team Chekpeds
Team Chekpeds
Reply to  Eric muise
14 years ago

Eric, the master plan includes the extension of bike lanes from 31st to 57th streets on both 8th and 9th avenues. The cross streets are critical to link both avenues.

Team Chekpeds
Team Chekpeds
14 years ago

Hardy Phippen, 461 West 43rd Street Apt 2, 30 yr Hell’s Kithchen resident.

Why is there parking on the street ever on Ninth Ave from 45th to 34th, on West 42nd from Eighth Ave to Eleventh Ave and on Eleventh Ave? If they are going to put in Bike lanes, there should only be parking on one side of the Ave. There is always too much traffic in this area around Lincoln Tunnel. Scratch all parking, an extremely pollution inducing, causing more traffic delays, privilege and expensive land use public subsidy of private automobiles.

Team Chekpeds
Team Chekpeds
14 years ago

Hardy, you make a good point…
on 9th Avenue There is NO parking allowed, only commercial deliveries are permitted. AFter 4 pm it is no standing at anytime …
Mind you below 40th Street, most of the curbside on the east side is used by cars with police placards …

14 years ago

[…] discussed earlier this month, we are seeking Block Associations’ input on the 15 year old bike master plan in our our […]