Two mothers are ready to die in a hunger strike to force Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie to hold a vote on Sammy’s Law, which would finally allow New York City to set its own speed limits where appropriate. We need your help!

Amy Cohen , who son Sammy died in a crash is on a hunger strike with other Families for Safe Streets members outside the Assembly Chambers. 

Governor Hochul, Mayor Adams, and the City Council have all championed it. . So why is the Assembly speaker refusing to take a vote? No more delays – please join us in demanding a vote on Sammy’s Law today. 

Their efforts are gaining momentum. The bill passed the Senate by an overwhelming majority – 55 of 62 voted in favor! We also got 7 new Assembly co-sponsors on the bill thanks to our collective efforts. There was extensive press coverage and we received support on social media from a few national street safety organizations including the Road to Zero Coalition

This is the easiest and most righteous phone call you will make this year .: Please support us by calling Speaker Heastie at 518-455-3791 right now and demanding a vote on Sammy’s Law.

My name is ______ and I am from CHEKPEDS , a member of the NYS Safe Streets Coalition. I am calling to urge Speaker Heastie to support Sammy’s Law  (A.07266) and bring the bill for a vote this session. I’m with the hunger strikers, and New York City, not Albany, should control our speed limits.

Sammy’s Law will give New York City the ability to set our own speed limits based on what is appropriate for any street in question. It’s a common sense law that will save lives.Please also share your support on social media using the our toolkit

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