Monday , City Council is holding its last hearing on congestion pricing

to gauge community support  before the plan goes to a vote.

The congestion pricing proposal must be adopted by the city and the state legislatures before March 31, 2008 for New York to receive $ 345 million in Federal transportation subsidies.  The plan as  revised by the commisison incorporates most of the suggestions made by Community Board 4. There is no charge for residents of the zone to use their car inside the zone . See here the Plan summary or click here for the full interim reportThis is a win- win for Community Board 4:  the plan will add buses to the M104 and M42 routes and new subway cars for the A, E, C lines,  while In Speaker Quinn’s district , 95.8% of the residents will NOT be affected by the charge See here for details .Monday March 24th, at 9:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. if you can only come at one time make it at 5:30pm.
2nd Floor, Council Chambers – City Hall (take the A or E  to Chambers)
RSVP ASAP  to Katie

The evening hearing is open to the public — anyone can testify. The sign-up for the evening hearing opens at 10 AM. Testimonies are limited to 2 minutes each. The line up will be determined on a first come, first served basis. The 9:30  hearing is open to the public but not to testify. We encourage you to attend and show your support for pro-pricing testimonies as well as sign up to testify at the evening hearing. Bring congestion pricing related signs and t-shirts to show your support even when you are not testifying!  There will be  extras in case you need them

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