On January 2nd, the full board of Community Board 4  passed unanimously the resolution to move forward with the creation of a new park by reclaiming three soon-to-be-unused lanes of traffic on Dyer Avenue between 34th and 35th Streets.  Community members spoke in favor of the park. The resolution asks the support of Port Authority DOT and Parks to make it happen.

Click Here to see the Video..

The resolution also asks the Dyer Park Advisory Committee to raise funds to remove a traffic light island which is an obstacle to the project, to produce a budget and to hold two town hall meetings before construction commences.

We Need YOUR Help to make it a reality

Click HERE to Contribute 

Imagine, a new park in our neighborhood! This is a good cause and a great time to to contribute. A generous donor is matching your donations $ for $.  You give us $1 and we get $2. Your donation is tax deductible.

You can also help by spreading the word :  you can post on facebook and twitter, send  it to your block association and/or  your building’s listserv….

Thank You in Advance


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12 years ago

What a delightful idea having a green park in the 34th,35th Dyer Avenue Street area. I was raised in a tenement at 415 West 35th Street between 9th and Dyer Avenue. The tenement is unfortunately long gone but many happy memories of good friends and families remain. We used the area of the street where the park will hopefully be built as a walk through to get to our Parish of St. Michaels Church on 34th Street which still stands. This would be a tribute to the many good hardworking people who had lived in that neighborhood.
Many Thanks
Ruth Lennon