Bill de Blasio caved to the tremendous push from activists (including Chekpeds) and from the City Council  with the speaker threatening to reach out to Governor Cuomo: the Mayor directed the city to open the streets to pedestrians during the pandemic, without requiring the heavy hand of  NYPD. DOT promised 40 miles right away and eventually 100 miles of open streets.

Picture1Last weekend, 10 miles were open without incident, mostly around parks, and 7 more miles will be open this week end. The program is open to BIDs , or block association who wants to give more space to its residents to be outside and reduce the contagion risk.  Click Here for criteria and to apply

The application is very simple and Chekpeds will fund the necessary signs for the first 10 submissions in Hell’s Kitchen and Chelsea.

This program should make a world of difference this summer, allowing children safely out of crowded apartments, elderly people  to take a bit of sun outside and avoid loneliness. It will generate new ties between neighbors… all things we crave for but cannot do safety today.


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Ryan Dziedziech
4 years ago

I am the General Manager at Pennsouth a large cooperative community in Chelsea. We have 15 -22 story buildings spanning 6 NYC blocks. I am interested in this program for our residents. We are located between 8th and 9th Avenues, from 23rd St to 29th Streets. We are interested in seeing if we can open 24th st, 26th st, and 28th streets on weekends and twice during the week between 9:00am and 4:00pm.

Team Chekpeds
Team Chekpeds
Reply to  Ryan Dziedziech
4 years ago

Ryan , lets talk on Monday . is 11 AM good to for you?