Just in 2017 , DOT has added 10 new split LPIs to protect pedestrians who cross the avenues. A split LPI is a red arrow for turning cars which gives exclusive right of way to the pedestrians, followed by a blinking yellow arrow which puts drivers on notice to slow down and yield. LPIs – which delays the start of all traffic ( turning and through)  were installed at 3 locations .


Such installation has been very successful in our district notably at 43rd and 9th Avenue . We are delighted that our Hell’s Kitchen Transportation Study is yielding so much safety at dangerous intersections .

Our next goal is to tackle  the big complicated intersections ( 42/8, 57/8, 57/10 ) and get them fixed. Already DOT notified us that the 57/8 intersection is included in a study of Columbus Circle that will be completed in January 2018. This is progress.


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