The rhythm and quality of CB4 interaction with the Port Authority is a sea change from previous years. It is clear that the PA executives in charge are ready and anxious to proceed with the project. See some of the key dates for yourself:

April 2017:
•MCB4 meets with the Port Authority on the #7 extension
July 2017:
•Meeting of the PABT NY working group (PA, CBs, Elected Officials)
HKSC speaks at the Port Authority Board meeting: “Clean Our Air”
August 2017:
•Port Authority announces new Chair (Kevin O’Toole) and New Executive Director (Rick Cotton)
October 2017:
•MCB4 meets with new Chair and new ED of PANYNJ
•Port Authority announces the feasibility of redeveloping the terminal in place
January 2018:
•MCB4 meets with PABT replacement project team
February 2018:
•Joint meeting of NY and NJ working groups with Port Authority
•Port Authority updates community at MCB4’s Full Board Meeting
March 2018:
•MCB4 gives a walking tour of Hell’s Kitchen South to Port Authority staff & consultants
•MCB4 gives Port Authority input on PABT EIS Purpose and Needs statement
April 2018:
•MCB4 gives Port Authority input on PABT EIS Purpose and Needs statement

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